Governor of Delta State, Rt. Hon. Sheriff Oborevwori

PDP group urges Gov Oborevwori to reconsider selection of unpopular chairmanship candidate in Sapele

A pressure group within the Peoples Democratic Party, (PDP) that styles itself as PDP Cares has urged Governor of Delta State, Rt. Hon. Sheriff Oborevwori, to reconsider the choice of an unpopular chairmanship candidate in Sapele Local Government Area.


The group press release while expressing their concerns over the unilateral imposition of candidates without proper consultation or consensus-building, highlighted the potential consequences of disregarding the voices of party supporters; emphasizing the need for unity and democratic principles to ensure continued victories for the party.


The press release Signed by Mr Emoghene Onosakponome-Chairman, Mr Atubi Stanley-Secretary and Mr Eric Afiz-Treasurer, highlights the dissatisfaction among party members and supporters, citing instances in Ward 8 and Ward 1 where tensions escalated due to the lack of consultation in candidate selection.


PDP Cares acknowledges the significant challenges posed by prominent opponents like Chief Monday Igbuya and Senator Ede Dafinone, as well as a former governor of the state in the upcoming elections. Nothing that a chairmanship candidate with broad cross-cultural appeal and popular support is crucial to overcoming these obstacles.


The group pleads with Governor Oborevwori to intervene promptly and allow open primaries to take place in Sapele, enabling the supporters to choose a candidate they genuinely believe in. They emphasize that the welfare and long-term interests of the party should take precedence over any individual or faction.

The group also urges the governor to consider the potential consequences of not addressing the concerns raised, as it could lead to growing disobedience and sabotage within the party.

They however expressed their commitment to working harmoniously and supporting the governor’s decision in steering the party back on course for greater heights.


The statement tagged: “Urgent Appeal for Democratic Selection Process in Sapele LGA,” reads in part.


“We, the undersigned representatives of PDP Cares, write to you today with the utmost urgency regarding the chairmanship selection process in Sapele Local Government Area (LGA). While we acknowledge and commend the commendable development efforts across Delta State under your visionary leadership, we believe that the lingering issue surrounding the chairmanship selection process poses a significant threat to the future prosperity of our great party if left unaddressed.


“In the past, the unilateral imposition of candidates without proper consultation or consensus-building has resulted in discontent among the grassroots, leading to unrest. We witnessed tensions nearly erupt in Ward 8 due to such actions. The people feel disenfranchised when their voices go unheard, and this erodes their confidence in the party.


“Sapele LGA has long been a stronghold for our party, and we cannot afford to take it for granted. However, the announcement regarding the chairmanship selection has been met with an eerie and troubling silence across the local government. Even party leaders quietly express discomfort, although they may not do so publicly. This silence raises concerns that complacency could breed defeat, similar to what we have experienced in previous elections elsewhere, if the underlying concerns are not resolved immediately.


“The challenges we face ahead, with opponents such as Igbuya, Dafinone, and our ex-governor on the other side, will be enormous. It is crucial that we maintain maximum unity within our ranks to overcome these obstacles. Unfortunately, the choice that has been perceived as “unpopular” threatens to further divide us rather than inspire the mobilization and enthusiasm that propelled us to victory in 2015 and 2019. Questions persist regarding the leadership abilities of the selected candidate, as evidenced by past records and increasing tensions across several wards.


“In Ward 1, for instance, the unilateral selection of a candidate without consulting supporters resulted in another candidate emerging overnight with the popular mandate of the people. This episode vividly illustrates the depth of feeling against undemocratic processes that sideline the voices of the supporters. Lackluster turnout in PDP-dominated wards, like Ward 3, where previously hundreds rallied, shows a rapid decline in support. In fact, security forces had to be called in to restore calm during one such ward selection process.


“Excellency, your intervention is desperately needed at this critical juncture, as the legitimate voices of supporters have gone unheard for far too long. We humbly request that you allow open primaries to take place, enabling the supporters to choose who they genuinely believe in as their champion. This course of action will help restore faith in the democratic principles that our party upholds.


“Failing to address these concerns could lead to growing disobedience and sabotage, which would severely hamper our campaigns moving forward. The current state of fragility demands immediate healing and unity.


“Moreover, Sapele’s diverse population, comprising various ethnic groups cohabiting harmoniously, requires a candidate with broad cross-cultural appeal, capable of inspiring cooperation across divides. Unfortunately, the selected candidate appears to lack this essential quality.


“As the leader who is ultimately accountable for the future of not just our great party but also the entire Delta State, we plead with Your Excellency to reconsider the current path that seems poised to have catastrophic consequences. We implore you to announce a candidate who can reunite all party members and supporters, thereby ensuring continued victories for our great party.


“The welfare and long-term interests of the party must take precedence over any individual or faction. We strongly urge you to act swiftly before it is too late, as the active discouragement observed thus far risks undoing the progress that has been painstakingly achieved.


“Your timely intervention, supported by the full cooperation of leadership at every level, can help guide us back towards momentum and secure landslide victories under your visionary stewardship.


“Please assist in dousing the rising anger among party members and supporters by empowering them with a democratic say in choosing their preferred candidate. Together, let us steer the destiny of our state back on course for even greater heights.


“We assure you of our utmost commitment to working harmoniously in whatever manner you deem fit. However, the responsibility to steer our party in the right direction rests upon your shoulders.


“May God bless you as you prayerfully consider this plea,” the statement added.


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