Zamfara Governor Dauda Lawal Attributes Banditry to Low Education Levels, Pledges Investment in Education and Security

Governor Dauda Lawal of Zamfara State has identified the low level of education as the primary cause of banditry in the state, lamenting the lack of education among the youth.
Speaking at the Federal University, Gusau (FUGUS), Governor Lawal announced that the state government has allocated a significant amount to the education sector in the 2024 fiscal budget to address the educational backwardness in the state.
“We are also working day and night on the State University to ensure that it takes off within the shortest period of time,” he said.
“We are not resting, as the standard of education is at its lowest ebb.
We must address these critical challenges.”
In addition to addressing the educational challenges, Governor Lawal has declared a state of emergency on education and is actively working on the renovation of schools in the state.
The government has also invested substantial resources in the Community Protection Guard (CPG) to ensure the success of the local security outfit.
“We will continue to put in our best efforts to ensure the security of lives and property in our state.
It is very certain that the insecurity situation didn’t start with our administration; we inherited it,” he said.
Since taking office, Governor Lawal has been proactive in addressing the significant security challenges in the state, which have been affecting economic and social development.
He emphasized the need to allow farmers to return to their farming activities, which have been hindered by the insecurity situation.

Governor Dauda Lawal has highlighted the importance of education in addressing banditry in Zamfara State and has pledged significant investments in the education sector and security measures to tackle the challenges facing the state.

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