Atiku Vows to Contest for Presidency in 2027 Despite PDP Challenges

Former Vice President Atiku Abubakar has declared his intention to run for the presidency of Nigeria in the 2027 election, despite the current challenges faced by his party, the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP).
Atiku, who has made six attempts to become Nigeria’s president within three decades, most recently in the 2023 presidential election, where he was the PDP candidate, expressed his determination to continue his pursuit of the nation’s highest office.
In the 2023 election, Atiku secured 6,984,520 votes, coming in second to Bola Tinubu of the All Progressives Congress (APC), who won with 8,794,726 votes.
When asked about his future political ambitions, Atiku responded affirmatively, stating, “God willing.”
He emphasized that he would not back down from running for the presidency as long as he is granted “strength, health, and longevity” by God.
Atiku drew parallels to former U.S. President Abraham Lincoln, who made seven attempts at the presidency before finally winning.
The former vice president also acknowledged the need for the PDP to form alliances with other parties if it hopes to regain power from the incumbent APC.
“As the PDP party is right now, it is the only one standing up for election.
There is no way it will win the election.
It requires joining forces with other parties,” he said.
As the political landscape in Nigeria continues to evolve, Atiku’s declaration sets the stage for a potentially intense and competitive 2027 presidential election, with the PDP leader aiming to overcome the challenges facing his party and secure the presidency.
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